Friday 15 May 2009

What Happened At The Chrism Mass?

Tonight Our younger group, had a presentation by some of our older members on their visit during Holy Week to Middlesbrough Cathedral for the Mass of Chrism.
The talked nicely coincided with the Feast Of the Dedication of The Cathedral. Not only did we learn about how the Bishop blesses the Holy Oils and their uses in the Sacraments, we were also reminded how here in West Hull, we are part of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. As we are all members of Christs Body, the Church, St Mary's Cathedral is also part of that body. In other words it as much Our Church as St Joseph's, St Wilfrid's or Corpus Christi.
Most memorable part of the visit? - The Bishop breathing over the vessel of Chrism. This represents the Holy Spirit coming down. (And the Fish and Chips in Whitby afterwards)

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