Sunday, 3 May 2009

The Story So Far

It is hard to believe we have been running the youth club for two years now, we had our very first meeting on 27th April 2007.

So what sort of antics have we been up to since our first meeting?

Well one of the great things about being a Catholic is there is always some Feast popping up, and that is a great excuse for a party. We've had a Carnival just before the start of Lent, complete with Pancakes, unicycles, juggling and various games.

We helped Our Lady celebrate Her birthday complete with little cakes.

We dressed up for our All Saints party.

Our pantomime "Snow White" was a great success.

We've also found out more about different aspects of Our Faith.

Over this last year dedicated to St Paul, we have taken a closer look at this Saint and his writings.

We were privileged on 26th February to be involved with the special St Paul celebration, down at St Charles.

So what is next? Check out the new programme !

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