Friday, 15 May 2009

What Happened At The Chrism Mass?

Tonight Our younger group, had a presentation by some of our older members on their visit during Holy Week to Middlesbrough Cathedral for the Mass of Chrism.
The talked nicely coincided with the Feast Of the Dedication of The Cathedral. Not only did we learn about how the Bishop blesses the Holy Oils and their uses in the Sacraments, we were also reminded how here in West Hull, we are part of One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. As we are all members of Christs Body, the Church, St Mary's Cathedral is also part of that body. In other words it as much Our Church as St Joseph's, St Wilfrid's or Corpus Christi.
Most memorable part of the visit? - The Bishop breathing over the vessel of Chrism. This represents the Holy Spirit coming down. (And the Fish and Chips in Whitby afterwards)

Friday, 8 May 2009

Vocation Vocation Vocation - Marriage

Over the next three sessions, our older group are looking at vocations. Our greatest vocation is given to us at Baptism and that is to be a Christian.
As Christians many of us are called to a more specific vocation. Tonight we looked at marriage. James and Ella gave us a talk about married life, and about what true love means. How to tell the difference between love and infatuation.
For further information on this subject I highly recommend Pages 79 -85 of the book, "A way of life for young Catholics" by Fr Stephan Wang. (CTS Publications)

Sunday, 3 May 2009

Visit From SPES

On the Friday 3rd April 2009, we had the St Patrick's School of Evangelisation from London come to visit our youth group. There were nine members all from different counties including America, Brazil, Czech Republic, Germany,Canada,France, Poland and England. Our main focus of the evening was the Easter Triduum.

First we all sat at a table listening to the reading from Maundy Thursday. Then we had our last supper signifying the Lord's breaking of the bread. We had our own bread and wine -Hot Cross Buns and grape juice. We also had our own washing of the feet. I was one of the first people to experience it.

We then moved on to Good Friday. We watched a shadow puppet 'Stations of the Cross' video. It had 15 stations which concluded in the Lord's Resurrection, after his death and burial. We then all had a chance to light a candle and say a prayer at the Crucifix.

We then went onto Easter - The Resurrection of Our Lord. It was all a bit of a surprise, the room was in darkness apart from the candles then suddenly the room was all lit up - Alleluia. Jesus had risen. We were led to a table with scripture passages tied up like scrolls, Easter eggs, candles and more. We all had pizza and it was a wonderful evening.

It was a gratifying evening and we are all privileged and thankful to have the team coming all the way from London to teach us about this special time of the year.

Written by Jerson Thomas

Youth Group Programme

The latest programme for the West Hull Parishes Youth Group. Click the image for a bigger version:

The Story So Far

It is hard to believe we have been running the youth club for two years now, we had our very first meeting on 27th April 2007.

So what sort of antics have we been up to since our first meeting?

Well one of the great things about being a Catholic is there is always some Feast popping up, and that is a great excuse for a party. We've had a Carnival just before the start of Lent, complete with Pancakes, unicycles, juggling and various games.

We helped Our Lady celebrate Her birthday complete with little cakes.

We dressed up for our All Saints party.

Our pantomime "Snow White" was a great success.

We've also found out more about different aspects of Our Faith.

Over this last year dedicated to St Paul, we have taken a closer look at this Saint and his writings.

We were privileged on 26th February to be involved with the special St Paul celebration, down at St Charles.

So what is next? Check out the new programme !