Sunday, 7 March 2010

Exodus 20

One of the problems we sometimes have when going to confession is: "what do I say?"
We are all very good at seeing the faults in other people and even blaming others for our own mistakes, but when it comes to looking our own sins, we make all sorts of excuses. That is why to make a good confession we need to take a closer look at ourselves and see us not compared to the people around us but the person that God asks us to be. Tonight we did just that.

First we listened to the account in Exodus of God giving the Ten Commandments and linked this to Jesus summing up the commandments in Mt 22:34-40. Then we used the commandments to see where we were going wrong. As this was all going we had the opportunity to go to Our Blessed Lord through the sacrament of confession. (Well done everyone for going and thanks to Fr John)

We finished the night back in the hall with a game of dodge ball.

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